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Thursday, March 20, 2008 @8:22 AM

after a block of module spanning 15 days of my life...
we finally completed e most crucial part of our year 2 curriculum!
the torturing yet interesting module!
we did our final touch ups today after yesterday's interim 2 presentation of our video to julian..
he gave really generous comments to us..
i would like to think that we deserved it!
thank you julian!
of course also guna!
for bearing wif us for these past 1 week!
kong and i did final adjustments to our DVD cover.
hz and novem did the documentation along with our producers...haha!
they really had a hard time ya..
calculation probs.documents missing.corrupted thumbdrives. ahhaa
it just compiled to their agony..
but to their credits, we managed to compile our thickest ever documentation!
FYP here we come!
and we submitted way earlier than our classmates...hee
so happy
thanks to:
4+2 productions
froggy and
good day!
P2 rox!

Monday, March 17, 2008 @8:56 AM

and today is post pro day 2!
kong and i were doing on the LiveType for our introduction roll..
huizhen and novem were working on the main clip itself...
subha and rachel were workin on the trailer we are planning to use..
haha..everything seems to be going on fine.
we also reflected on the mistakes we did during production day itself...
pics i will update some other day ya?!
i got e pics but need lotsa time to upload sia...haha
tomorrow we gonna work further on the title and the trailer..not bad the trailer...
was done purposefully.
thats all for today!
P2 is ending!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008 @10:36 AM

alrite,so after 3 days of production time,we finally are able to lay our hands on editing...
yep,we are going into editing..
or rather, huizhen and novem is gonna be in charge of the editing of the clip.
hmm...subha and rachel is gonna help out too while kong and i will do the motion graphics for the opening as well as the credits roll.
first day of editing is not always going to be smooth...
novem and hz apparently couldn't digitise the rushes. hmm...until they found out that its actually after a upgrade in FCP software in the 6th floor mac lab!
whew...what a breather!
then after asking peng for help,we finally got all e digitising done and ready for the sequencing...woo!

Friday, March 7, 2008 @8:03 AM

production day 2!!!
well,call time for today was 9.30am,same as ytd's...
haha..maybe it was bcoz of ytd's exertions, everybody looked damn shagged...
kong was like a wandering spirit...novem and hz was like draggin their bodies...hahaha
mayb they were in sch till late to transfer ba..hmm...muz take care man u 2..=)
subha and rachel were oso like damn tired...
wat to do???
life of a production crew is juz like tt!
we will carry on fighting and doing!!
hmm..today had quite a few crop ups here and there...thks lots to julian tt we managed to 'save' our location from being snatched...hee! =)
or else...
we will hav to change locations..
the taboo in stop motion is ironically,
changin of locations!
conti. error!
lighting error!
lucky for us...
julian came juz in time..
oh wells...
todae din hav much to say except tt we really worked our socks off..and had some ffun time too! hee!
im loving my grp...
stop motion doesn't nid to really b active onset after all!!
way to go!

@7:38 AM

so its production day 1!!!
its a cold cold day for a start...
and call time was 9.30am..
we were really very slow from the start...
from set up,light to camera adjustments alone took us 2 hours to do...
we hastened and hustled once everybody got the hang of the cam and everything!
pics u can find and view it from our dear A.D. and director's blogg...
my blogg simply juz cant upload pics which i dunno y!! arrghh!!!
today's shoot was fine and nice...let's hope tml's will be even better..~~

Sunday, March 2, 2008 @4:59 AM

so its day 3 alr..we are expected to complete all our pre-pro today..tt is pre production for some of ya whu STILL dunno e term ya..hahahah
ok..huizhen and novem will b finalising e script and shots by today while subha and rachel are busy shopping for set materials in art friend. they are really chionging like mad. =)
me and kong or rather...kong and i are doing the set measurements and painting of the set. basically, we are doing waat normally a art department would do lah...haha
after this, we wld complile all e documentations, paperwork and pictures of the set, props and location and of course cast, who is travelling frm the market.
and ready for fri's interim!
i dun hav the pics ya..all visual docs wif our dear DOP.

Saturday, March 1, 2008 @8:32 PM

so its day 2!
we had a longggg discussion today about each and everyone of our own chosen fables.
i chose The Sick Stag while the more notable one for me have got to b Novem's the princess and the pea.
i personally feel that her fable is really good and with just a little bit of twist here and there would b just fine for any film makers. woot ar...hahahah
in the end,after an hour long discussion inside 3-10 classrm, we decided to do...
go out and discuss further!
we ended up on the 4th floor and there!
we decided to come out wif this fantastic and cuteeee script of tomato-ed!
stop motion!
and a division of roles!
novem - director
huizhen - D.O.P
subha - PM
rachel - producer
kong - art director + set design!
me! - gaffer! + props manager!
hahaha...at least everyone is doing wat they like! thou i like a producer's work more than a director's!
yep! will update again for day 3!

ME !!

YI JIE a.k.a. yJ
tp moving images yr 2 video prod
dsc 07/08 =)


.my bloggg!!. Huizhen. Novem. STUPID kong. link. link. link. link. link. link. link. link. link. link. link. link. link. link.



February 2008
March 2008


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